February 12, 2009

The Public Meeting of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.

Members attending:
Larry Unger, President
James Brown, Vice-President
Robert Martucci, Jr. – EXCUSED
Norma Cusick
Mary Yoder

Staff attending:
Randy Soriano, Township Manager
Cathy Bonaskiewich, Assistant Township Manager, Finance Director
John Andreas, Director of Public Works
Allen Stiles, Chief of Police
Cynthia Sopka, Director of Planning and Zoning
John Ashley, Township Solicitor
David Tettemer, representative of the Township Engineer.

Commissioner Unger called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.


Mr. Soriano informed the attendees that all sessions of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners regular meetings are electronically recorded for the purpose of taking the Minutes.  All public comments on agenda items would be taken at the time of the vote.  All public comments related to non-agenda items will be taken after the agenda has been satisfied.

Mr. Soriano announced that the Township does archive its tapes and are available pursuant the Right-to-Know Law.

On motion of Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Cusick, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the Bills Payable for the period 1/19/2009 to 2/6/2009.

January 22, 2009

Commissioner Unger declared the January 22, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes approved as presented.

Consideration of an Ordinance approving the creation of an Environmental Advisory Council.

Mr. Soriano noted that the proposed Ordinance was duly advertised pursuant to the Township Code and available for public display. Mr. Soriano noted that the Board of Commissioners has discussed this Ordinance over several meetings and noted that the EAC will be advisory in nature and will focus on: environmental issues within the Township, protection and preservation of natural resources, possible uses of open land and creating inventories of natural resources.

Mr. Soriano noted that the Board of Commissioners expects to fill the EAC with (5) five residents who will be chosen from each of the five Wards. Mr. Soriano noted that any resident wishing to be considered for the appointment will need to complete and submit an Application along with a letter of interest and/or resume. Applications are available at the Municipal Building, 2900 S. Pike Avenue or they may be downloaded from the Township’s website at

Motion by Commissioner Cusick and seconded by Commissioner Brown to adopt the Ordinance approving the creation of an Environmental Advisory Council as presented. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Consideration of a Resolution setting forth the compensation of the Treasurer/Tax Collector for the years 2010-2013.

Mr. Soriano introduced the proposed resolution setting forth the compensation of the Treasurer/Tax Collector for the years 2010-2013, noting that the Tax Collection Law provides a one time opportunity for the local governing body to change the compensation of its Tax Collector. Mr. Soriano noted that the Law provides the following:

“Changing Compensation of Tax Collector.--When any taxing district or taxing authorities propose to either raise or reduce the compensation or salary for the office of an elected tax collector, such action shall be by ordinance or resolution, finally passed or adopted prior to the fifteenth day of February of the year of the municipal election.”

Mr. Soriano noted that the proposed increase will go into effect January 1, 2010 and will benefit anyone who decides to run for the elected office.  Mr. Soriano noted that this should not be construed as a raise for our current Tax Collector, but rather compensation for the elected office.  Surveys conducted show that neighboring municipalities such as South Whitehall and Whitehall Township pay $10,000 for the elected Treasurer, which is the maximum allowed by the Code. The levy is up to the Board of Commissioner’s discretion.

Motion by Commissioner Yoder to adopt the Resolution setting forth the compensation of the Treasurer/Tax Collector for the years 2010-2013 as read.  Seconded by Commissioner Cusick.  Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Consideration of a motion to authorize the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Lehigh County Conservation District to continue their review, inspection and enforcement services to prevent erosion and  sediment pollution relating to earth disturbance activities in Salisbury.

Mr. Soriano brought forth a Motion to authorize the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Lehigh County Conservation District to continue their review, inspection and enforcement services to prevent erosion and sediment pollution relating to earth disturbance activities in Salisbury Township

Mr. Soriano noted that this Agreement with the Lehigh County Conservation
District continues the Township’s existing relationship to have the District review all erosions and sediment control plans that require NPDES permits. The Township will need to make available forms and permit fees to the applicants as provided by the LCCD.  The LCCD will also address third party complaints for earth disturbances and make the necessary inspections for addressing complaints.

Motion by Commissioner Cusick to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Lehigh County Conservation District. Motion seconded by Commissioner Brown. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Mr. Soriano announced that the Board of Commissioners convened in an Executive Session prior to the start of the Meeting to discuss a personnel matter leading to the following Motion:

Consideration of a Motion to authorize a modification to the Employment Agreement with Mr. Charles Durner, Township Parks Grounds Caretaker, Assistant Meter Reader and Animal Control Officer, pursuant to Section 8(e), and add to his benefits under Section V 45 days of annual sick leave, further authorizing the Township Manager and Township Solicitor to draft and execute the appropriate Agreement Letter to be signed by both parties.

Moved by Commissioner Yoder. Seconded by Commissioner Cusick. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Motion to authorize the Township Manager to submit a letter to the City of Bethlehem and the Lehigh County Authority in support of their H20 PA Grant Application for funding of water and sewer related capital projects.

Moved by Commissioner Cusick. Seconded by Commissioner Brown. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Jane Benning of 3111 Douglas Road presented the commissioners a copy of an appeal filed by citizens opposing the NPDES permit for the Southbury Park development.  She requested the commissioners to have the Township review site plans relating to the matter.  Mr. Soriano accepted the documents for informational purposes.

Mr. Tettemer and Ms. Sopka explained that the Township does not have jurisdiction over the NPDES permit and that it is a Federal program administered by the State and is implemented by the Lehigh County Conservation District.


As no other business was presented, the meeting was adjourned.  The Board of Commissioners recessed into a Workshop.