June 12, 2008

The Public Meeting of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.

Members attending:
Larry Unger, President
James Brown, Vice-President
Robert Martucci, Jr.
Norma Cusick
Mary Yoder

Staff attending:
Gabriel Khalife, Township Manager
Cathy Bonaskiewich, Finance Director
John Andreas, Director of Public Works
Carl Best, Director of Planning & Zoning
Allen Stiles, Chief of Police
John Ashley, Township Solicitor
David Tettemer, representative of the Township Engineer

Commissioner Unger called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.


Mr. Khalife announced that an Executive Session had been held on Tuesday, June 3, 2008 at the Municipal Building. No action was taken.

Mr. Khalife informed the attendees that all sessions of the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners regular meetings are electronically recorded for the purpose of taking the Minutes. All public comments on agenda items would be taken at the time of the vote. All public comments related to non-agenda items will be taken after the agenda has been satisfied.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to authorize payment of the bills.

May 22, 2008
Commissioner Brown noted a correction to Page 2 of the Minutes where his name should be inserted in place of Commissioner Unger.

Commissioner Unger declared the May 22, 2008 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes approved with the above noted change.

EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT PRESENTATION – As proposed by Mr. William Kennington for a project at Devonshire Park.

Mr. Kennington explained that his Eagle Scout project would be to plant trees at Devonshire Park to provide more shading near the playground and bench areas. The project would also include landscaping including perennials and bushes.

Commissioner Cusick inquired about the types of trees that would be selected and the locations.

Mr. Andreas explained that they have not made the specific determination on the type of trees to be planted. He noted that once the project is approved, they would utilize the plan prepared years ago by URDC to try to maximize the potential space for green areas and trees within the parks, including the list of recommended trees.

Mr. Kennington explained that he would attempt to obtain donations from local nurseries or do fund raising to purchase trees if necessary so that the Township would not have to provide the trees or the plantings.

Mr. Andreas noted that if the Township would feel that it is its best interest to support and supplement the project if necessary, by utilizing budgeted funds for the parks.

Mr. Kennington noted that he also plans to have kids from the troop help to water the trees for several weeks.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the Eagle Scout project presented by Mr. William Kennington, including approving to pay costs for trees and shrubbery above the donations that Mr. Kennington raises.


Consideration of a resolution to approve the Parkwood Real Estate Trust, LLC Land Development Plan.

Present was Mr. Dennis Harman, engineer from The Pidcock Company, developer.

He explained that they have an international firm wants to locate an office research facility at the site. He noted that they are requesting approval of the preliminary/final plan.

Commissioner Cusick inquired about the proposed parking spaces.

There was a discussion on the number of spaces that the Pidcock Company and the new business would utilize. Mr. Harman explained that there would be 152 approved for the campus and would be able to accommodate the number of employees anticipated.

Mr. Harman outlined the site layout and utilities.

Commissioner Unger inquired whether Parkwood Drive is a private road, would the developer be responsible for the water and sewer laterals and mains to Oxford Drive.

Mr. Andreas briefly explained the portions the Township would be responsible for.

Commissioner Martucci asked about steep slopes on the site.

Mr. Tettemer explained that the slopes are manmade and most of what is to be disturbed is already pavement or building. He stated that there is a small amount of new disturbances. He highlighted the June 10, 2008 Township Engineer review letter.

Chief Stiles commented that the traffic impact would be very nominal.

Mr. Harman stated that they anticipate one tractor trailer delivery per week.

Commissioner Unger expressed concern about the private road if in the future the road would need to be torn up to repair the water or sewer lines.

Mr. Tettemer explained that there is a utility easement and the Township would have the right to go in there to take care of any maintenance issue.

Mr. Andreas explained that the Township would not do road resurfacing or repair to the road. The repair work would be kept confined.

Commissioner Martucci inquired about environmental concerns with respect to the proposed laboratory and notifying the Fire Chief.

Mr. Best noted that everything had been addressed in his review letter. Attorney Ashley read the resolution.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to conditionally approve the Parkwood Real Estate Trust, LLC Land Development Plan.

Consideration of a resolution recognizing Mr. Gabriel Khalife for his years of service to the Township.

Consideration of a motion to accept the resignation of Mr. Gabriel Khalife as Township Manager.

Consideration of a motion to extend Mr. Gabriel Khalife three (3) weeks of compensatory time for his assistance during the transition.

Each Board member spoke briefly commending Mr. Khalife for his efforts and years of service to the community.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted concurrently to approve the resolution recognizing Mr. Gabriel Khalife for his years of service to the Township, and the motions to accept the resignation of Mr. Gabriel Khalife as Township Manager and to extend Mr. Gabriel Khalife three (3) weeks of compensatory time for his assistance during the transition.

Consideration of a resolution to appoint Mrs. Cathy Bonaskiewich as Acting Township Manager with a salary increase of $3,500 and as Acting Township Secretary effective June 16, 2008.

Commissioner Unger commented that Mrs. Bonaskiewich should not hesitate to request assistance if necessary since the position is actually two full-time positions combined into one.

Several members of the Board congratulated Mrs. Bonaskiewich.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the resolution to appoint Mrs. Cathy Bonaskiewich as Acting Township Manager with a salary increase of $3,500 and as Acting Township Secretary effective June 16, 2008.

Mr. Khalife announced that there would be an executive session on police negotiations and the Township Manager search.

Consideration of Payment #1 to Wexcon, Inc. in the amount of $146,132.54 for the Sanitary Sewer System Rehab Contract “A”.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve Payment #1 to Wexcon, Inc. in the amount of $146,132.54 for the Sanitary Sewer System Rehab Contract “A”.

Consideration of Payment #1 to Video Pipe Services, Inc. in the amount of $23,202 for the Sanitary Sewer System Rehab Contract “B”..

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Martucci, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve Payment #1 to Video Pipe Services, Inc. in the amount of $23,202 for the Sanitary Sewer System Rehab Contract “B”.

Consideration of a motion to purchase a 2008 Dodge Durango for the police sergeant.

Chief Stiles explained that the unexpected breakdown of the 2002 Ford Explorer vehicle led to the need for an additional vehicle. He would like to replace the old 2002 vehicle with the sergeant’s 2006 Ford Explorer for the K-9 unit. He noted that the canine cage will fit in the newer model. He explained that the Dodge Durango would be used for the police sergeant and can be acquired through a state bid at a good price. He noted that the vehicle had not been budgeted for.

Commissioner Unger inquired about whether other police departments using Dodge Durango vehicles.

Chief Stiles explained the vehicle purchase process and noted that the vehicle would be purchased at state bid price. He noted that the vehicle would also be outfitted for police use although the Township would install certain features such as emergency lighting.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the purchase of a 2008 Dodge Durango for the police sergeant as requested.

Consideration of a motion to purchase a new antennae and repeater for the police department along with their own frequency.

Chief Stiles explained that for years they had requested a second frequency from the Federal Government to be used separately from the Public Works department. He noted that the Police now have the opportunity to have access to an available frequency and to install a new antenna and wiring at the same time the Public Works department installs an antenna on a tower site on Savercool belonging to Service Electric. Service Electric is providing the space for free and not charging any rent for using the facility. The equipment to be purchased would be a repeater, cable and antenna at a cost less than $2,000.

On motion of Commissioner Cusick, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the purchase of a new antennae and repeater for the police department along with their own frequency.

Commissioner Martucci noted a parking concern at the Center Place development along Susquehanna Street and suggested looking into the possibility of having no parking on one side of the road. He noted that when cars park on both sides of the street the road becomes very narrow and only one car can pass at a time and causes bottlenecking.

Chief Stiles indicated that a traffic study would be performed and will be reported back to the Board.

No items were presented from the public.

As no other business was presented, the meeting was adjourned. The Board of Commissioners went into workshop, followed by Executive Session.