7:30 PM
April 8, 2008

A Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the Township of Salisbury was held on the above date at the Township Municipal Building located at 2900 South Pike Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Present were Commissioners Beck, McKitish, Hebelka, Schreiter, Licht, and Hassick. Also present were Mr. Tettemer, representative of the Township Engineer; Attorney Ashley, Township Solicitor; and Mr. Best, Director of Planning & Zoning.

Mr. Beck called the meeting to order.

Mr. Hebelka noted that his name should be removed since he had not attended that meeting.

On motion of Mr. Hassick, seconded by Mr. McKitish, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the March 11, 2008 Planning Commission Minutes with the above-noted change.

Consideration of the 822 East Lexington Street Minor Subdivision Plan. Property located in an R-4, Medium Density Residential Zoning District. Three (3) sheets – plan dated March 13, 2008.

Present were Art Swallow, engineer, and Thomas Williams, Jr., developer.

Mr. Tettemer highlighted the Township Engineer’s review letter dated April 2, 2008.

Mr. Best read his comments listed in a memo dated April 3, 2008.

Mr. Hebelka inquired about a typographical error in the Township Engineer’s review letter.

Mr. Tettemer noted that comment #8, line 3 should read “to the east side of both lots”.

Mr. Hebelka asked if the developer intends to request a waiver to the concrete monument requirement.

Mr. Williams indicated that he would not be requesting a waiver and is agreeable to the requirement.

Mr. Schreiter inquired about sinkholes.

Mr. Swallow explained that the plan shows standard details that his firm typically includes for projects in the Lehigh Valley in the event that sinkholes would be encountered.

Bridget Eripret of 839 East Lexington Street inquired about two large pine trees that she had observed on prior plans but do not appear to be on the current plan. She expressed that she believes the area on the plan depicting possible sinkholes to be wet and could have an underground spring. She expressed her concerns about the water levels and what may be encountered once the development is underway.

Mr. Williams noted that they do not intend to construct basements for the homes due to the wet areas.

Mr. Tettemer explained that the ordinance requires that the lots be graded to not allow ponding of stormwater. He noted that there will be small drainage swales put in. He stated that the lot will be graded from East Lexington and back to East Sandstone which is the unopened alley.

Mr. Beck recalled when curbing and a drainage pipe had been put in by the Township to help with the stormwater in the area and cautioned that the developer not to damage when the curbing for the lot is put in. He explained to the developer where the curbing and pipe are located.

Kurt of City Line Construction inquired about obtaining an as-built plan of the drainage piping that Mr. Beck referred to. Mr. Beck commented that it can be visually seen.

Mr. Swallow asked Mr. Tettemer to clarify the review comment related to the utility easements.

Mr. Tettemer noted the existence of a PP&L pole and clarified that the comment is concerns how utility services would be provided to the two homes.

He suggested that a 10 foot easement where the two lots join in the middle (five feet around on each lot) should be adequate for a utility pole, if needed.

On motion of Mr. McKitish, seconded by Mr. Hassick, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to table the 822 East Lexington Street Minor Subdivision Plan.

Meeting adjourned.